Eastern Scientific and Technological Center LTD (ESTC) is a Ukrainian company, established in Kharkiv city, in 2000.
The founder of the company is Sergiy Malygon. The main activity of the company is carrying out work to increase the completeness of extraction of hydrocarbons and increase the productivity of oil, gas and gas condensate wells.
The basis of the company was studying the process of hydrogen energy generation and application in oil and gas industry. The first field tests of the MPC technology were carried out in 1997. by subsidiary “Poltavagazprom”, Ukraine. Two candidate wells that were in conservation since 1976 were selected as a candidate wells.
All traditional stimulation methods for tight low-permeability reservoir were ineffective. After processing in the period from 1997-1998 well number A additionally produced 35845 thousand m3 of gas and 3399 tons of condensate. Well number B during 7 months produced 22320 thousand m3 of gas and 2,130 tons of condensate.
The company was not created from the scratch, there was a practical experience in using of these chemical compositions. By ESTC or with its direct participation stimulation jobs were carried out on the wells located in Ukraine (Poltava, Kharkiv, Donetsk region), CIS counties, China, Turkmenistan, Egypt, Kuwait, Pakistan, India, etc.